Since 2005, Little League® International has teamed up with Pitch In For Baseball & Softball (PIFBS) to help provide baseball and softball equipment to boys and girls around the world who want to play ball, but lack the equipment to do so. Over the past decade, PIFBS has distributed more than $9 million worth of equipment and helped nearly one million children get on the field in every state in the U.S. and more than 110 countries internationally.
To help support local leagues in need, PIFBS is asking Little League families from every age division of baseball and softball to donate their gently used equipment to PIFBS. For every donation made, another opportunity is created for a child to play the game.
Over the past two years, thanks to the donations provided through PIFBS, local Little League programs from all over have been able to provide families in need with the opportunity to participate in an experience they will remember for the rest of their lives. Below are some of the testimonials from leagues who have been able to benefit from the generous donations through PIFBS.

“One 10-year-old boy in our community had never played an organized sport. Along with many kids this year, he was stuck at home because of coronavirus pandemic restrictions and needed something to do when those restrictions were lifted. His mom reached out to our league as we encourage everyone to play despite their financial abilities. The boy needed a glove and a bat to play. Since sharing equipment was not allowed this year, the gloves and the bats we received from the PIFBS donations allowed us to lend them to kids who couldn’t otherwise afford them. With our league being strapped for funds with limited fundraising, the donation was a blessing! He is typically a shy kid but came out of his shell to be a power hitter. He even hit an inside the park homerun!” – Lindley (N.Y.) Presho Caton Little League

“I’ve never seen a group of girls come together more than this team did during our Little League season. We have one girl who had never even touched a softball before this year. This girl is 10 years old and could hardly swing a bat when we started. Through the donations from PIFBS, we were able to get her the equipment she needed to participate this season. Her teammates did the rest. They encouraged her CONSTANTLY and urged her to get better and better with each game. I cannot stress how much this girl’s talents and abilities have grown this year. I am so proud to coach this team this season.” – Conneaut Lake Area (Pa.) Little League

“This donation cannot be overstated. South Scranton Little League is a very diverse community that is at odds economically. I personally know people who haven’t participated because they couldn’t afford something as simple as a glove. I have purchased items for several children with my own money because I refuse to turn anyone away. This generous donation allowed us to provide low-income children with brand new equipment they could be proud to use.” – South Scranton (Pa.) Little League

“Thomas was a 12-year-old ballplayer that had wanted to become a catcher this past season. With the donation of catcher’s gear from PIFBS, he got the chance. He developed into a great little catcher. His confidence grew each game and by the last six games he became our starting catcher. When he was behind the plate, everything improved. He became one of our most reliable hitters and he gave 110% every time he was in the game. Thank you Pitch In For Baseball & Softball.” – Hite Saunders Little League (Huntington, W.V.)

“We were able to hand new gloves to all new Tee Ball players as part of their registration. This was extremely appreciated, especially as we recovered from the coronavirus pandemic. We did have a couple families that reached out asking if we had equipment available that they couldn’t otherwise afford. They were so thankful when we had their child come down and let them pick out their own glove, bat, and even baseballs.”– Peabody (Mass.) West Little League

“Twice in the past few years, Southeast Texas has experienced major flooding events from storms Harvey and Imelda. Our baseball facility flooded twice, our baseball equipment room flooded, and a tornado knocked down two of our field light poles. The PIFBS donation allowed the league to distribute shoes, pants, and gloves to players in need. The equipment bags, baseballs, and catcher’s gear were used for practices and games. Hamshire-Fannett Little League had 15 scholarship players during the 2020 Spring season, including more than 75 additional players who experienced flooding of their homes during Tropical Storm Imelda. The PIFBS donation allowed players to rejoin their friends on the baseball field for pick-up games and to build community pride and comradery.” – Hamshire-Fannett Little League (Winnie, Texas)
As shown by the testimonials above, Pitch In For Baseball & Softball reduces barriers to play and promotes youth development by providing equipment directly to leagues, including chartered Little League programs, and community organizations around the world. The equipment helps these teams and leagues to start, continue, and/or expand their baseball or softball programs. To learn more about Pitch In For Baseball & Softball, as well as how you can donate to support other Little League programs around the world, visit PIFBS.org.