Throughout her career working for Little League®, Becky Bassett has served in a variety of roles, responded to countless questions, and has become the calming, reassuring, and informed voice for local league volunteers as they support the Little League program and communities.
Born and raised in Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania, and a resident of nearby Cogan Station, Mrs. Bassett has spent her entire life less than 30 minutes away from the Little League International Complex in South Williamsport. While Mrs. Bassett did not join the Little League staff until her daughters, Beth and Brooke, were in school, her family understood the importance of Little League and the values that it provides to communities all around the world.
Little League Starts at Home
“Both my daughters played softball as kids and were quite good,” said Mrs. Bassett. “However, there were no Little League Softball programs in the area at that time. I volunteered as a scorekeeper for their teams.”
Fast forward a generation. Now grandparents, Mrs. Bassett and her husband, Bob, have five granddaughters and two grandsons – all of which played Little League – while Beth, Brooke, and their husbands all contributed to the program as volunteers.
“My daughters both volunteered with their local Little League as a board member, a coach, concession stand workers, and fundraisers,” said Mrs. Bassett. “My husband played Little League when he was a kid and both sons-in- law were involved in umpiring and coaching. So, yes, you could say we grew into a Little League family.”
Starting the Professional Journey

When Mrs. Bassett decided to pursue opportunities that called for her unique organizational and interpersonal talents, it did not take long for her and Little League to connect. In 33 years of service to the company, she has forged a professional bond that has grown into a respected partnership with staff and volunteers.
“I have always loved that Williamsport is known as the ‘home’ of Little League, so when an opening came up with the organization, I went after it,” said Mrs. Bassett. “My first position was as a Region Coordinator overseeing the Southeast and Canada Regions. About 10 years later, I assumed the title of Operations Coordinator, and throughout my years, the need to clearly communicate and connect with people has grown so much.”
Every day starts with reviewing and answering emails, taking phone calls, checking voicemails, and simply preparing for what each new day may bring. In a technology driven world, Little League is constantly evolving, and an ever-increasing volume of Mrs. Bassett’s conversations place her as the gatekeeper to a multitude of information. Simply put, unequaled, first-class customer service.
“Customer service is the most important thing we do here,” said Mrs. Bassett. “If you do not have good customer service and relations with the people you are serving, you are not doing the organization any good. That is the easiest part of my job.”
“I have been a D.A. for the past 16 years and Becky Bassett has been my go-to person when I need answers! Whether it be chartering issues with my leagues or insurance questions or incorporation procedures, Becky has been the person I lean on for prompt answers. She is always professional and gracious in her email correspondence and her timely responses have been greatly appreciated!”
– Jennie Todd
Pennsylvania District 23 Administrator
Behind the Numbers
Explaining tax exempt information and IRS tax codes, league incorporation, and processing new leagues makes for a typical day. Dealing with the IRS information often feels like a different language to many, and much of Mrs. Bassett’s invaluable expertise comes with her ability to translate that “language” into understandable terms for volunteers. It is her everyday goal to provide the service that people need to feel comfortable about managing those responsibilities for their league or district.
“I did have tax experience before coming to Little League,” said Mrs. Bassett. “I learned the tax language which translated well here. I actively pursue the latest information, and there is a large amount of research needed to keep up with the tax laws.”
Admitting there was plenty of “learning as you go,” Mrs. Bassett explained that conversing with volunteers is not difficult because we all want to help them succeed. “Volunteers are enthusiastic about what they want to do and that makes my job easier because you want to help them do a good job.”
Contributing a great deal to the numbers focused on the growth and development of Little League, Mrs. Bassett’s oversight of new leagues, discontinued leagues, program growth with team numbers, and year-end reports are among the tasks that become the status and statistical barometer for the Little League International Operations Department.
“Becky has always been a friendly face and a calming voice on the phone. It’s a pleasure to know and have worked with her over the years.”
– Dwayne Tuggle
Virginia District 2 Administrator
Switching Gears Throughout the Year

The Little League year moves quickly and never ends. It just shifts focus to best serve its volunteers based on the season.
Through the regular season, and into the tournament, Mrs. Bassett continues with her “day job” but also plays a critical role with managing tournament team participation and league verifications.
Once the Little League Baseball® World Series begins in August, she takes her customer service skills to the World Series media credential office. There, she assists with welcoming the hundreds of media representatives arriving to report on the tournament. Among her daily duties, she also manages the official World Series game lineup cards for every game of the world’s biggest youth sports tournament.
A Time for Thanks
The World Series is also the time of year when Mrs. Bassett is most visible, and without fail, volunteers she has spoken with and assisted throughout the years continue to seek her out to meet in-person and offer their thanks.
“Working in the media office during the World Series is fun, interesting, and challenging,” Mrs. Bassett said. “I have met so many interesting people from athletes, to celebrities, and volunteers from all over the world. The volunteers come in to see me because they are who I talk to throughout the year. When they get the opportunity to come to Williamsport, they often pop in to say, ‘Hello!’”
The weeks following the end of the tournament season are all about year-end reporting and planning for the coming season.
“I get dozens of emails per day that require responses,” said Mrs. Bassett. “From when I started until now, we have made so much more available to volunteers through the Little League Data Center and other resources on the Little League website. That helps, but it stirs other questions that require our help to guide them.”
“Mrs. Becky is amazing! She has always worked to ensure that if leagues had a problem that it was resolved quickly so that the kids would be able to play. In my 24 years of being with Little League, Mrs. Becky has assisted me and more leagues than I can imagine and at the end of the day because of her work, Louisiana has more leagues and kids playing Little League than we did 10 years ago! Thank You Mrs. Becky!”
– Michael Marler
Louisiana District 3 Administrator
There’s No ‘I’ in “Team”
In addition to all her day-to-day work, Mrs. Bassett is admired and applauded by the organization for being the founder and emotional heartbeat of the American Cancer Society’s Little League Relay for Life team – the Intentional Walkers. Beginning in 2004, teamed with a corps of resolute Little League employees, Mrs. Bassett honored the memory of her sister, Linda Bailey Smith, by helping raise more than $250,000 in Little League’s name for the American Cancer Society.
“Those were the best times I’ve ever had at Little League,” said Mrs. Bassett. “Cancer touches everybody and it took no convincing at all to organize the Relay for Life team. Doing yard sales, bingos, raffles, and all kinds of fundraising, was so much fun. I am immensely proud of that accomplishment, but all the credit goes to the team. They were just awesome!”
Into her fourth decade of supporting the goals, ideals, and people that make Little League special, Mrs. Bassett is quick to declare, “I’m in no hurry to retire. I like where I am, and I love my job! I really do because I get to help people all day long. I don’t think I would enjoy my work as much as I do if I didn’t honestly believe in the program and the people.”

This is the fourth in a series of Little League International Staff Spotlights that will focus on the Women In Little League (WILL) as part of the overall Girls with Game 50 Celebration (LittleLeague.org/GWG50). The #GWG50 celebration is proudly supported by DICK’S Sporting Goods, a long-time Little League partner that is committed to creating opportunities for girls and women in sports and will be activating around key events and milestones this year.