Since 1995, Little League® and Musco Lighting have partnered in the A Safety Awareness Program (ASAP) to help local leagues and districts in the United States create the safest environment possible for players, volunteers, and fans. While the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted so many of our local league operations, the selection process is currently under way for this year’s Regional and National awards for the best ASAP Safety Plans, with the winners to be announced in August.
The top winner from each of Little League’s five U.S. regions is awarded a cash prize and invited to the Little League Baseball® World Series in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. From the recognized leagues, a national winner is chosen. The league receiving the national award is also presented with a complete Musco Lighting system for a 200-foot field. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and cancellation of the 2020 Little League Baseball World Series, the 2020 ASAP winners will be Little League International’s guests during the 2021 Little League Baseball World Series, along with the winners selected from the 2021 season.
In its 25 years, ASAP has helped to increase overall safety awareness, reduce injuries by 80%, and lowered insurance costs for participating leagues. Those results alone demonstrate the “win-win” nature of the program and the positive impact it’s had for Little League communities.
But it doesn’t stop there. In 2019, 93% of U.S. Leagues participated in the ASAP program. Each year, leagues are encouraged to create a safety manual with at least 15 basic requirements. In the five U.S. regions, first- and second-place winners are chosen based on the initiatives included in their manuals to improve the league’s approach to safety.
Little League International will begin accepting safety plans for the 2021 season on December 1, 2020 through the Little League Data Center. If a league isn’t already participating in ASAP and would like information on how to create or implement a safety plan, please contact Christina Taddeo, 570-326-1921 ext. 2255; or [email protected].
Additional information on the Little League ASAP Program is available on LittleLeague.org.