The World of Little League®: Peter J. McGovern Museum and Official Storecongratulates seven-year-old Robert Long of Northumberland, Pa., for winning the grand prize in the 2016 Susquehanna River Valley Heritage Alliance Time Traveler’s Passport Program. For the first time in 2016, the World of Little League® was one of 12 participating locations in the passport program.
The program allows visitors the opportunity to visit 12 heritage sites throughout the Susquehanna River Valley that provide historical facts about the region’s history. As part of the program, participants were required to visit a minimum of five heritage sites by August 16 and upon completion then become eligible for the grand prize drawing. For more information on the passport program, go to VisitCentralPA.org/2016Passport.
“The Susquehanna River Valley Heritage Alliance’s Passport Program was created to encourage and engage visitors to explore the amazing history found in the Susquehanna River Valley,” said Andrew J. Miller, Susquehanna River Valley Visitors Bureau Executive Director. “The Alliance is thrilled that Robert and his family are looking forward to their upcoming grand-prize trip getaway to historic Gettysburg. With the success of the 2016 program, the group is looking forward to developing the 2017 Passport Program which will offer the grand prize winner a trip to visit the historic museums of Philadelphia.”
Established in 1982 and completely renovated in 2013, the World of Little Leaguetraces the Little League program from three teams playing in Williamsport in 1939 to an international movement involving millions of children, with a variety of educational and entertaining “hands-on” exhibits and displays. In June 2016, the Museum was also named the recipient of a TripAvisor® Certificate of Excellence for the third consecutive year. For more information about the World of Little League, visit LittleLeagueMuseum.org.