When the World of Little League® Museum re-opened in 2013 after a $4.5 million complete renovation, one of the stars attractions was the Global Connections Touch Table.
At 16 feet long, with six stations for users, the Global Connections Touch Table is the only place on earth where the general public can access information about every single local Little League® program in the world. It’s a powerful machine featuring high-tech innovations that the museum’s visitors of all ages have embraced.
Now, it’s receiving an upgrade.
“For the past three years, the only way a local league could get photographs and messages onto the table was through the person who managed the league’s own website,” said Lance Van Auken, Little League® Vice President and Museum Executive Director. “With this upgrade, we have made it possible for virtually anyone in the world to upload photos, captions and a logo to the touch table. All you need is an Internet connection.”
Users anywhere can accesses the Global Connections Touch Table page at LittleLeagueMuseum.org/TouchTable
After agreeing to the terms, users will see the guidelines for submitting photos, along with a simple form where they can provide basic information about the local league and its location. Then, they can attach up to five photographs, with captions, to the form. In addition, they can attach the local league’s logo, along with a short description of the league itself.
After the form and attachments are submitted, they will be reviewed by a member of the Museum staff for appropriateness. If the attachments meet the guidelines, they will be uploaded to the Global Connections Touch Table – a process that usually takes 24 to 48 hours.
“We hope anyone planning a trip to the museum will upload content to their local league’s page a few days ahead of time,” said Mr. Van Auken. “It only takes a couple of minutes to do it, and it can be done on a smartphone. That way, when they tour the museum, they could see their own photos on the Global Connections Touch Table along with those from hundreds or even thousands of other leagues around the world.”
The museum is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day. General admission is $5. Children ages 5-12 are admitted for $2, and Seniors 62 and older are admitted for $3. Children 4 and younger are free, as well as any Little Leaguer® wearing a uniform shirt that includes the Little League® Shoulder Patch.
Special rates are available for 20 or more people who pre-schedule a group tour. More information about the Museum is available at LittleLeagueMuseum.org or by contacting the Museum at 570-326-3607 or [email protected]. Follow the World of Little League® Museum on Facebook (facebook.com/LittleLeagueMuseum) and X/Twitter (twitter.com/LLBMuseum).