At the 2016 Central Regional Roundtable in Milwaukee, Wis., Ohio District 8 Administrator, Shannon Walker of Newark, Ohio, was nominated for election to the Little League® International Board of Directors. Ms. Walker, a 20-year Little League volunteer, will assume her seat at the November 2016 Board of Directors Meeting, succeeding John Edgerle, Michigan District 9 Administrator, of Wyoming, Mich, as representative from the Central Region.
“Shannon has demonstrated a longtime commitment to Little League in numerous roles, and has been an excellent contributor to the successes of leagues in central Ohio,” said Davie Jane Gilmour, Ph.D., Little League International Board of Directors Chairman. “We look forward to working with her as a member of our Board of Directors.”
Walker’s involvement in Little League has included eight years of service as District Administrator and one year as Assistant District Administrator. She was a League President for four years, a manager for three seasons, and a coach for two. The Little League District Administrator is the highest-level volunteer position within the organization.
“Being selected for consideration in a Board of Directors role is a tremendous honor,” said Ms. Walker. “I have valued my involvement in Little League over the last 20 years, and look forward to continuing to contribute to such an incredible organization.”
Ms. Walker is self-employed as owner of Walker Promotion & Specialty, and has operated that business for the last three years. She studied business at Ohio State University, earned an associate’s degree at the Ohio Institute of Photography, and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in advertising.
There are nine positions for Regional Representatives to the Little League International Board of Directors to represent Little League’s five United States regions and four international regions. Ms. Walker will assume her seat at the November 2016 Board of Directors Meeting.