An Annual Meeting of the Members is required to take place each year according to the local league’s constitution. The local league’s constitution outlines when the annual meeting will take place and what is required of the annual meeting, which typically includes the election of your league’s Board of Directors for the upcoming season. Adapting these meetings as leagues prepare for the next Little League season will be important to set you and your fellow volunteers up for success in the coming year.
- Determine whether your league will have an in-person, virtual, or hybrid in-person/virtual meeting.
- When determining a platform for a virtual meeting, it’s encouraged to understand what technology solutions are the best fit for your volunteers. There are free options, such as Zoom, Facebook Messenger, Google Hangouts, etc., however many of these may require individuals to create an account (most often these accounts are free) and/or have limitations from a length-of-meeting standpoint.
- If holding an in-person or hybrid meeting, make sure that the meeting room is appropriate to accommodate all attendees. Hybrid meetings should be held in a room that has appropriate audio/visual capabilities to interact with those in the room and those joining remotely.
- Determine date of annual meeting. Reference your league’s constitution and take into consideration any requirements for specific dates/times for the annual meeting. Any changes to the annual meeting dates/times should be approved by the current board and communicated to the members in advance.
- Send out meeting notice.
- As a reminder, the Annual Meeting is for your entire membership. You should confirm with your constitution what defines your membership and utilize email, phone, and other contact methods to ensure you have a quorum, also determined by your league constitution.
- The notice should be sent on the number of days prior to the meeting as determined by your constitution. If you’re adapting to a virtual or hybrid meeting, you should issue the notice an additional 10 days prior to what is outlined in your constitution.
- Email Template Downloads:
- Notice of Meeting: Allow for an additional 10 days plus number of days outlined in constitution.
- Nomination: Send out at the same time as Notice of Meeting.
- Election: Allow for 72 hours (3 days) to collect ballots.
- Election Results: Share after board has been voted in and after the Board of Directors are in position.
- Prior to meeting, confirm if you have a copy of your constitution for the meeting in case any questions come up during the election process. If you don’t have a copy of your constitution, please contact your respective Regional Office.
- Important resources to review before your annual meeting:
- How to hold an annual meeting election
- 5 Things to do before your annual election
- National and state grant opportunities that may be available for your league at LittleLeague.org/GrantResources
- How to recruit/retain volunteers and players
- Financial transparency checklist