Licensed Clinical Behaviorist Krista (Schermerhorn) Bordeleau grew up lacing up her softball cleats and stepping out onto her local league’s fields, so when her two daughters were old enough to play, it was a perfect opportunity for Mrs. Bordeleau to continue her love for the game and return to Little League® as a volunteer.
As a softball coach with Ledyard (Conn.) Little League, Mrs. Bordeleau reflects on her days as a Little Leaguer®, which she found to be both a challenging and fun opportunity. Mrs. Bordeleau strives to teach her players, including her daughters, all the important lessons she learned both on and off the field.
Recognized as the February 2024 Little League Diamond Leader of the Month, as part of the Girls with Game 50 Celebration, Mrs. Bordeleau recently shared her experience in a Diamond Leader Discussion:
From your experience with the Diamond Leader Training Program, why do you think it is important for not just coaches, but for all volunteers to take the training?
“All volunteers in youth sports have an amazing opportunity to positively influence a young person’s life. As a Behaviorist, I focus much of my professional work on and around mental, social, and emotional growth so the Diamond Leader training resonated with me immediately. It is incredibly valuable that all coaches and volunteers have access to information about supporting the development of the ‘whole player,’ including teaching strategies that focus on teamwork, self-confidence, and a willingness to work hard through challenges. I think the Diamond Leader training guides us to decide, as a community, how we will define the success of a season, ensuring that we are planning measurements that highlight a positive experience for all and achievements far beyond a winning record.”
This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the Little League Softball® World Series and 50 years of girls being allowed to participate in the Little League program. What does the Girls with Game 50 celebration mean to you as a female playing an active role in the program?
“This celebration is a fantastic reflection on decades of women who have served as role models for young girls. It reminds me of how grateful I am to have had strong women coaches, mentors, and family who demonstrated to me that I can do hard things. The magic of representation is absolutely one of the main reasons I choose to coach girls’ softball. Young girls who see women loving sports, engaging in competition, advocating and speaking up, and serving in leadership roles, gain an automatic sense of ‘I can do that too!’ This growth mindset supports their continued involvement in sports, but more importantly, their continued strength as they reach for their goals in life. Playing an active role in passing on a ‘yes girls can’ mindset to teams of young players in my community is incredibly rewarding.”
What does it mean to you to have your daughters lacing up their cleats and running out onto the Little League Softball field?
“I am proud of everything my kids take on! It is exciting that my daughters are growing up in a time when girls are not just ‘allowed’ to play, but they are knocking it out of the park. Here in Ledyard, we have league leadership and strong on-the-field coaches, both women and men, ensuring positive experiences and equal opportunity across our softball and baseball programs. As a mom, I know that my daughters have greatly benefited from that focus on inclusion and player growth. I am proud that my family and I are a part of that.”
What does it mean to you to be a Diamond Leader?
“To me, a Diamond Leader is a coach willing to meet the responsibility they have to their players both on and off the field. A coach who is embracing the idea that many of our players, especially at the developmental levels, are with us as they decide if sports and team involvement is something they enjoy and want to keep doing. Diamond Leaders understand that providing a positive experience can keep that young person engaged and signing up not only for future seasons but for future opportunities for support and social-emotional growth that can last a lifetime.”
The Little League Diamond Leader program, which was first piloted with nearly 1,000 Little League volunteers throughout the 2022 season, was created as part of the Susan Crown Exchange’s Million Coaches Challenge and developed in coordination with the Aspen Institute’s Project Play. Focused on ensuring children have a positive, well-rounded experience on and off the field, the Little League Diamond Leader Training Program is a FREE educational resource that provides coaches with an understanding of the impact that mental, social, and emotional well-being has in youth sports through detailed information, interactive scenarios, and a variety of additional resources. Learn more and become a Diamond Leader yourself by visiting LittleLeague.org/DiamondLeader.
NOTE: The Little League Diamond Leader Discussions is a piece of the #GWG50 Celebration in 2024, with interviews of select Girls with Game who have completed the Little League Diamond Leader training program and exemplify their learnings at their local fields. To learn more about this initiative, visit LittleLeague.org/GWG50. The #GWG50 celebration is proudly supported by DICK’S Sporting Goods, a long-time Little League partner that is committed to creating opportunities for girls and women in sports and will be activating around key events and milestones this year.